The National In-Country Value Program (ICV)

The National In-Country Value (ICV) is a UAE government program designed by Ministry of Industry & Advanced Technology (MOIAT) to boost the economy and support domestic industries by redirecting higher public expenditures within the country.

Be a Part of In Country Value program

The initiative takes into account local spending, local investments, local goods and services, as well as the hiring and training of Emiratis. It tries to aid domestic business and reroute money spent on purchasing products and services to the domestic economy.

Key benefits of ICV Program

Localization & Development

The development of new local industries and services through the strategic localization of supply chains.

Foreign Investments

Promoting foreign investment and diversifying the economy by stimulating and attracting foreign investments.

National GDP Growth

Contributing to the growth of national GDP.

Research & Development

Enhanced expenditures on Technology advancement and R&D.

Private sector

To increase the private sector’s contribution to national GDP.

Job Opportunities

Making the private sector a more attractive place to work by creating valuable job opportunities.

ICV Program Achievement

The program has produced exceptional achievements over the last three years, reviving the local economy by AED88 billion and adding about 2,000 employment for local people. Additionally, it has given local businesses expansion chances and boosted economic activity. Over 5,000 recognized vendors throughout the various industries have benefited from the program.

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Participant Entities